Star Trek Ships Pdf

Star Trek Ships Pdf

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Akira Class(ST Encyclopedia 2, D. Stipes)

USS Akira
  • ST Fact Files
USS Rabin
  • ST Fact Files
USS Spector
  • VOY 'Message in a Bottle'
  • ST Fact Files
USS Thunderchild
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • L. Nemecek
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 6+ ]
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 4+ ]
  • DS9 'Call to Arms'
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 4 ]
  • DS9 'Behind the Lines'
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 3+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1)
  • DS9 'Favor the Bold'
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 6+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
<Unnamed Akira Class>
  • DS9 'The Magnificent Ferengi'
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 6+ ]
(at least three destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapons platform)
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
<Unnamed Akira Class>
  • DS9 'Afterimage'
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 4 ]
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 2 ]
Approximately two years prior to Stardate 49123
  • VOY 'Relativity'
<Unnamed Akira Class> [ 3+ ]
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Akira Class>
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Akira Class>
Part of a 27 ship fleet
  • VOY 'Endgame'

Ambassador Class(TNG Technical Manual)

USS Adelphi
Captain Darson
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Tin Man'
USS Ambassador
  • TNG Technical Manual (Not explicitly named in this reference)
USS Enterprise
NCC-1701-C (classified as cruiser in alternate timeline)
Captain Rachel Garrett
Lieutenant Richard Castillo
Destroyed in battle over Narendra III
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Yesterday's Enterprise'
USS Excalibur
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Redemption (II)'
Commander William T. Riker (temporary)
  • ST Encyclopedia
Borg encounter; possibly destroyed
  • VOY 'Survival Instinct'
USS Exeter
Alternate reality ship
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • VOY 'Non Sequitur'
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
(part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'You Are Cordially Invited'
USS Gandhi
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Second Chances'
USS Horatio
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain Walker Keel
Destroyed by possible saboteurs; debris found in Sector 63
  • TNG 'Conspiracy'
USS Valdemar
  • Omnipedia
  • DS9 'Tribunal'
USS Yamaguchi
  • DS9 'Emissary'
USS Zhukov
(registry is an error in labelling the model)
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Data's Day'
Captain Gleason
  • TNG 'Hollow Pursuits'

Andromeda Class(Omnipedia)

USS Drake
Ambushed by Klingon battle group
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'Apocalypse Rising'
USS Prokofiev
  • Omnipedia
  • DS9 'Tribunal'

Antares Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Antares
  • Omnipedia
Captain Thomas Ramart
Destroyed by Charlie Evans
  • TOS 'Charlie X'
USS Hermes
  • TNG 'Redemption (II)'
Commander Chakotay
Destroyed by ramming Kazon warship
  • VOY 'Caretaker'
  • (name and class identified in VOY:Pathways)

Apollo Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Agamemnon
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Descent'
USS Ajax
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Where No One Has Gone Before'
Captain Narth (yr 2327)
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Tapestry'
USS Clement
  • Omnipedia
  • TNG 'Lower Decks'
USS Gage
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • ST Encyclopedia
Vulcan ship
  • Omnipedia, ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Unification: Part I'

Bradbury Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Bradbury
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Menage A Troi'

Challenger Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Armstrong
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Ambushed by Klingon battle group
  • DS9 'Apocalypse Rising'
USS Buran
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • ST Encyclopedia
USS Challenger
(identified by Enterprise displays)
USS Kearsarge
  • Omnipedia
  • TNG 'Firstborn'

Cheyenne Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Ahwahnee
Abandoned at Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • Omnipedia
Recovered and repaired
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Redemption (II)'

Chimera Class(ST Encyclopedia 2)

USS Portland
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'The Die Is Cast'

Constellation Class

USS Constellation
(identified by Enterprise displays)
(second ship with this name)
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'The Abandoned'
USS Gettysburg
Captain Mark Jameson
  • Omnipedia, ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Too Short a Season'
Captain Madolyn Gordon
  • VOY:Pathways
USS Hathaway
80 year old star cruiser
Abandoned and later recovered
Commander William T. Riker
  • TNG 'Peak Performance'
USS Magellan
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain Conklin
  • TNG 'Starship Mine'
USS Stargazer
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Recovered after its abandonment
  • TNG 'The Battle'
USS Victory
Captain Zimbata
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Elementary, Dear Data'

Constitution Class

USS Constellation
Commodore Matthew Decker
Destroyed by doomsday machine
  • TOS 'The Doomsday Machine'
USS Constitution
(identified by wall status display)
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
USS Defiant
  • ST Encyclopedia
Lost in dimensional rift
  • TOS 'The Tholian Web'
Mirror universe: 13 Jan 2155
Lured and captured by Tholians some 100 years in the past
Captured by ISS Enterprise crew
(registry confirmed)
  • ENT 'In a Mirror, Darkly'
Mirror universe: 18 Jan 2155
Captain Jonathan Archer
Captain/Empress Hoshi Sato
  • ENT 'In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II'
USS Endeavour
(identified by Enterprise displays)
ISS Enterpise
Mirror universe: 13 Jan 2155
Terran Empire ship
Captain James T. Kirk
  • TOS 'Mirror, Mirror'
USS Enterprise
Captain Robert April
  • ST Chronology
  • ST Chronology
Captain Christoper Pike
  • TOS 'The Cage'
Captain James T. Kirk
  • ST:TOS
USS Excalibur
(identified by wall status display)
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
Captain Harris
  • TOS 'The Ultimate Computer'
USS Exeter
(identified by wall status display)
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
Captain Ronald Tracey
Abandoned in orbit around Omega IV
  • TOS 'The Omega Glory'
USS Farragut
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain Garrovick
  • TOS 'Obsession'
USS Hood
  • TOS 'The Ultimate Computer'
NCC-1703 (identified by wall status display)
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
USS Intrepid
(identified by wall status display; ST Encyclopedia 2 identifies registry as NCC-1831)
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
Vulcan crew; destroyed by 'amoeba' creature
  • TOS 'The Immunity Syndrome'
USS Kongo
(identified by wall status display; identified by Enterprise displays)
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
USS Lexington
  • ST Encyclopedia
Commodore Bob Wesley
  • TOS 'The Ultimate Computer'
USS Potemkin
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'The Ultimate Computer'
USS Republic
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
(identified by Enterprise displays)
USS Yorktown
Captain Joel Randolph
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • TOS 'Obsession'
Recommissioned as USS Enterprise
  • TNG Technical Manual
  • (Omnipedia)

Constitution Class[ Refit ]

USS Eagle
  • ST Encyclopedia
USS Enterprise
Captain Willard Decker
Admiral James T. Kirk
Captain Spock
Stolen and destroyed over Genesis
USS Enterprise
(visually identified this class in 'Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country')
Captain James T. Kirk
<Unnamed Constitution Class [ Refit ]>
(visually identified in widescreen format)

Curry Type

USS Curry
(radical Excelsior class modification)
  • DS9 'A Time to Stand'

Daedalus Class

All Daedalus Class ships were retired by 2197
  • TNG 'Power Play'
USS Archon
Destroyed by Landru
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'The Return of the Archons'
USS Carolina
  • Omnipedia
  • TOS 'Friday's Child'
USS Essex
Captain Bryce Shumar
Presumed lost over 200 yrs ago
Later found crashed on moon of Mab-Bu VI
  • TNG 'Power Play'
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
USS Horizon
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'A Piece of the Action'

Danube Class Runabout(ST Encyclopedia)

[ Rollbar ]
USS Danube
  • ST:DS9 TM
USS Gander
Destroyed by Jem'Hadar over Goralis
  • DS9 'Penumbra'
USS Ganges
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • DS9 'Emissary'
Destroyed by T'Lani Cruiser
  • DS9 'Armageddon Game'
USS Mekong
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'Whispers'
Abandoned and presumed destroyed in Gamma Quadrant
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'The Die Is Cast'
USS Orinoco
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • DS9 'The Siege'
Destroyed by warp core breach; sabotage by Cardassian separatist group 'The True Way'
  • DS9 'Our Man Bashir'
USS Rio Grande
  • DS9 'Emissary'
(visually verified registry in DS9 'Paradise')
Crash landed on class L planet, 191 hours from Inferma Prime, by hidden bomb
  • DS9 'The Ascent'
USS Rubicon
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'Family Business'
USS Shenandoah
  • DS9 'Change of Heart'
Abandoned, presumed destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighter
  • DS9 'Valiant'
USS Volga
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'Body Parts'
USS Yangtzee Kiang
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'Emissary'
Crash landed on unnamed moon, Gamma Quadrant
  • DS9 'Battle Lines'
USS Yukon
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'Sons of Mogh'
Destroyed by trilithium-tekasite-protomatter explosive device
  • DS9 'By Inferno's Light'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
Destroyed by USS Enterprise power transfer beam
  • TNG 'Timescape'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
Destroyed by Jem'Hadar in orbit of Torga IV, Gamma Quadrant
  • DS9 'The Ship'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
Destroyed by Klingon shelling on Agalon Prime
  • DS9 'Nor the Battle to the Strong'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Let He Who Is Without Sin...'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Things Past'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Rapture'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'The Darkness and the Light'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
Captured by Jem'Hadar
  • DS9 'In Purgatory's Shadow'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Blaze of Glory'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
Destroyed by Cardassian 3rd Battalian 1st Order
  • DS9 'Empok Nor'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'In the Cards'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Resurrection'
<Unnamed Danube Class> [ 3 ]
  • DS9 'The Reckoning'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Profit and Lace'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Time's Orphan'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Time's Orphan'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Shadows and Symbols'
<Unnamed Danube Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Prodigal Daughter'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Chimera'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'When It Rains...'
<Unnamed Danube Class>
  • DS9 'Tacking into the Wind'
<Unnamed Danube Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'

Defiant Class(Sternbach, D. Stipes)

USS Defiant
Escort vessel/Warship prototype
  • DS9 'The Search, Part I'
Thrown some 200 years into the past after encountering Gaian barrier
Crash landed after escape attempt (alternate future)
  • DS9 'Children of Time'
Captured by Jem'Hadar
First Kudak'Etan
Recaptured by USS Defiant crew
  • DS9 'One Little Ship'
Heavily damaged and abandoned in Chin'Toka System
Destroyed by the Breen
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'
USS Defiant
Renamed from USS Sao Paulo
(registry visually identified this episode)
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
USS Sao Paulo
Captain Benjamin L. Sisko
Renamed to USS Defiant
  • DS9 'The Dogs of War'
USS Valiant
Captain Ramirez
'Captain' Tim Watters
Destroyed by Dominion Battleship prototype
  • DS9 'Valiant'
<Unnamed Defiant Class>
Study vehicle
Never constructed
  • ST:DS9 TM
<Unnamed Defiant Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Call to Arms'
<Unnamed Defiant Class> [ 2 ]
  • VOY 'Message in a Bottle'
<Unnamed Defiant Class> [ 2 ]
Part of a 27 ship fleet
  • VOY 'Endgame'

Deneva Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Arcos
  • ST Encyclopedia
Destroyed by warp core breach
  • TNG 'Legacy'
USS La Salle
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Reunion'

DY-100 Class

SS Botany Bay
Sleeper ship
Stripped and placed on Ceti Alpha V
  • TOS 'Space Seed'
SS Woden
  • Omnipedia
  • TOS 'The Ultimate Computer'

DY-500 Class

All Y-500 Class freighters were 'retired decades ago'
  • ENT 'Strange New World'
SS Hokule'a
Captain Melinda Snodgrass
(according to graphic displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
HMS Lord Nelson
Captain Young Jae Kim
(according to graphic displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
SS Mariposa
NAR-7678 (according to graphic displays)
Captain Walker Granger
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'

Erewhon Class

SS Santa Maria
Personnel transport
Crash landed on planet in Orelious Minor system
  • DS9 'Paradise'
  • ST Encyclopedia 2

Excelsior Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Al-Batani
Admiral Paris
  • ST Encyclopedia 2, Omnipedia
  • VOY 'Caretaker'
USS Berlin
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Angel One'
USS Cairo
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain Edward Jellico
  • TNG 'Chain of Command, Part I'
Captain Leslie Wong
Disappeared on patrol of the Romulan Neutral Zone (two weeks earlier)
  • DS9 'In the Pale Moonlight'
USS Charleston
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'The Neutral Zone'
USS Crazy Horse
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Descent'
  • (visually identified in TNG 'The Pegasus')
USS Crockett
  • Omnipedia
  • DS9 'Paradise'
USS Excelsior
Transwarp prototype
Captain Styles
Presumably retrofitted from transwarp drive
Captain Hikaru Sulu
USS Farragut
(presumed this class [docked at DS9]; delivered 'Admiral Patrick' and his group)
  • DS9 'Chrysalis'
USS Fearless
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Where No One Has Gone Before'
USS Fredrickson
  • DS9 'A Time to Stand'
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
USS Gorkon
Admiral Alynna Nechayev
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Descent'
USS Grissom
  • Omnipedia
  • TNG 'The Most Toys'
USS Hood
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Encounter at Farpoint'
Captain Robert DeSoto
  • TNG 'Tin Man'
NCC-42768 (registry identified as a typo)
  • D. Stipes
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega)
(identified by on-screen visual)
USS Intrepid
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Family'
USS Lexington
  • TNG 'Thine Own Self'
USS Livingston
  • Omnipedia
  • DS9 'Invasive Procedures'
USS Malinche
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Captain Sanders
  • DS9 'For the Uniform'
USS Melbourne
  • TNG '11001001'
NCC-3184x/NCC-3194x (?)
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
(visually identified as this class and registry)
  • DS9 'Emissary'
(This ship was shown briefly as a Nebula class in TNG 'The Best of Both Worlds, Part II' before its class was changed)
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
USS Okinawa
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Captain Leyton
(old commander; now Admiral Leyton)
  • DS9 'Paradise Lost'
USS Potemkin
  • Omnipedia, ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Legacy'
(visually identified in TNG 'Ethics')
(part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'You Are Cordially Invited'
USS Repulse
  • TNG 'The Child'
Captain Taggert
  • TNG 'Unnatural Selection'
USS Roosevelt
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Crew assimilated at Wolf 359
Possibly destroyed
  • VOY 'Unity'
USS Tecumseh
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Captain Raymond
  • DS9 'Nor the Battle to the Strong'
USS Valley Forge
Destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapons platform
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
  • D. Stipes
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • TNG 'The Offspring'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • TNG 'The Drumhead'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'The Way of the Warrior'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'By Inferno's Light'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Dr. Bashir, I Presume'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • DS9 'Ties of Blood and Water'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • DS9 'Blaze of Glory'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Call to Arms'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Sons and Daughters'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 3 ]
  • DS9 'Behind the Lines'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 8+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1)
  • DS9 'Favor the Bold'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 7+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Resurrection'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • DS9 'The Magnificent Ferengi'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'The Magnificent Ferengi'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • DS9 'Waltz'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • DS9 'Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • DS9 'Inquisition'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 5+ ]
(at least two destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapons platform)
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 3 ]
  • DS9 'Once More Unto the Breach'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'It's Only a Paper Moon'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • DS9 'Field of Fire'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • DS9 'Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
(registry identified by on-screen visual)
Approximately two years prior to Stardate 49123
  • VOY 'Relativity'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class> [ 2+ ]
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
Severely damaged; presumed destroyed
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
  • VOY 'Author, Author'
<Unnamed Excelsior Class>
Part of a 27 ship fleet
  • VOY 'Endgame'

Excelsior Class[ Refit ]

USS Enterprise
Captain John Harriman
USS Lakota
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'Homefront'
Captain Erika Benteen
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'Paradise Lost'

Freedom Class(Omnipedia)

USS Concorde
  • Omnipedia
  • TNG 'All Good Things...'
USS Firebrand
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • Omnipedia

Galaxy Class

USS Challenger
Captain Geordi La Forge
Alternate timeline, 15 years hence
  • VOY 'Timeless'
USS Enterprise
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Destroyed in alternate timeline
  • TNG 'Time Squared'
(classified as battleship in alternate timeline)
  • TNG 'Yesterday's Enterprise'
Captain William T. Riker (field promotion)
  • TNG 'The Best of Both Worlds'
Captain William T. Riker (illusionary ship)
  • TNG 'Future Imperfect'
Destroyed in collision with USS Bozeman in alternate timeline/loop
  • TNG 'Cause and Effect'
Captain Edward Jellico
  • TNG 'Chain of Command, Part I'
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • TNG 'Chain of Command, Part II'
Captain Thomas Holloway (alternate timeline)
  • TNG 'Tapestry'
Destroyed by energy feedback (alternate timeline)
  • TNG 'Timescape'
Destroyed by antimatter containment failure in independent timeline
  • TNG 'All Good Things...'
Destroyed: primary hull by warp core breach in orbit of Veridian III; saucer section crash landed on Veridian III
Saucer section destroyed by shock wave from collapse of Veridian III star (alternate timeline)
USS Enterprise [ 285,000 + ]
Parallel universe vessels
Captain William T. Riker (various)
One Enterprise destroyed by Enterprise-proper
  • TNG 'Parallels'
USS Galaxy
  • TNG Technical Manual
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
  • D. Stipes
(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega)
(identified by on-screen visual)
USS Magellan
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; presumed this class)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
USS Odyssey
  • Omnipedia
Captain Keogh
Rammed and destroyed by Jem'Hadar vessel
  • DS9 'The Jem'Hadar'
USS Trinculo
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
USS Venture
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • DS9 'The Way of the Warrior'
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; presumed this class)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
  • D. Stipes
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
USS Yamato
(ST Encyclopedia states registry is a production error in labelling the model)
  • TNG 'Where Silence Has Lease'
Captain Donald Varley
Destroyed by computer virus from alien probe
  • TNG 'Contagion'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class>
  • DS9 'Dr. Bashir, I Presume'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Call to Arms'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class> [ 5 ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1)
  • DS9 'Favor the Bold'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class> [ 4+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class> [ 2 ]
(part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'You Are Cordially Invited'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class>
  • DS9 'The Reckoning'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class> [ 3+ ]
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class>
  • DS9 'Image in the Sand'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class>
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class> [ 2 ]
Approximately two years prior to Stardate 49123
  • VOY 'Relativity'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Galaxy Class> [ 2 ]
Part of a 27 ship fleet
  • VOY 'Endgame'

Galaxy Class[ Refit ]

USS Enterprise
Admiral William T. Riker
Destroyed by antimatter containment failure in independent timeline
  • TNG 'All Good Things...'
  • (25 yrs after Stardate 47988)

Hokule'a Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Tripoli
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Datalore'
  • ST Encyclopedia

Intrepid Class

USS Bellerophon
Admiral Ross
  • DS9 'Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges'
USS Intrepid
  • VOY 'In the Flesh'
(possibly the class ship)
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega)
(registry identified by on-screen visual)
USS Voyager
Captain Kathryn Janeway
'Missing and presumed lost'
  • VOY 'Caretaker'
Commandeered by First Maje Culluh, Kazon-Nistrim
  • VOY 'Basics, Part I'
Captain Chakotay
(The Year of Hell; some six years ahead in a possible future)
  • VOY 'Before and After'
Captain Chakotay
  • VOY 'Worst Case Scenario'
Destroyed by ramming Temporal Incursion Ship
'Restored' by the space-time shockwave of a new timeline
  • VOY 'Year of Hell, Part II'
No longer officially declared lost
  • VOY 'Message in a Bottle'
Captured by Hirogen
  • VOY 'The Killing Game'
Surrendered by Hirogen
  • VOY 'The Killing Game, Part II'
No longer presumed lost by Starfleet Command
  • VOY 'Hope and Fear'
Upgraded to Quantum-Slipstream drive
  • VOY 'Timeless'
Knocked out of slipstream and crash landed (alternate timeline)
Found embedded in a planetary glacier, Tekara Sector; no survivors (alternate timeline, 15 years hence)
  • VOY 'Timeless'
Quantum-Slipstream drive dismantled
  • VOY 'Timeless'
Destroyed by a Force Three Temporal Disruptor in an alternate timeline
Stardate 52861
  • VOY 'Relativity'
Commandeered by Maquis, Stardate 54101
Captain Chakotay
  • VOY 'Repression'
Surrendered by Maquis
  • VOY 'Repression'
Emergency Command Hologram (temporary)
Crew abandoned ship
  • VOY 'Workforce'
Commander Chakotay
  • VOY 'Workforce'
Converted to a museum and on display on the grounds of the Presidio, San Francisco, Earth (alternate future, 26 years hence)
  • VOY 'Endgame'
'USS Voyager'
Captain Kathryn Janeway
Biomemetic ship and crew
Molecular breakdown due to warp field exposure
Dissipated into space
  • VOY 'Course: Oblivion'
<Unnamed Intrepid Class>
Approximately two years prior to Stardate 49123
  • VOY 'Relativity'

Istanbul Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Constantinople
Transport ship
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'The Schizoid Man'
USS Havana
  • Omnipedia
  • TNG 'Starship Mine'
USS Sarajevo
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Lost in Gamma Quadrant for years
  • DS9 'In Purgatory's Shadow'

J Class

smaller but same design as Y Class
ECS Constellation
(class/prefix presumed)
  • ENT 'Horizon'
ECS Horizon
  • ENT 'Fortunate Son'
Captain Mayweather
  • ENT 'Broken Bow'
Acting-Captain Paul Mayweather
(prefix verified this episode)
  • ENT 'Horizon'

Korolev Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Goddard
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'The Vengeance Factor'
USS Korolev
(identified by Enterprise displays)

Mediterranean Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Lalo
  • TNG 'We'll Always Have Paris'
Freight ship
Missing after Borg encounter at Wolf 359; presumed lost
  • TNG 'The Best of Both Worlds, Part II'
USS Wyoming
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • VOY 'Flashback'

Merced Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Trieste
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG '11001001'

Miranda Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Brittain
Found adrift in a Tychon's Rift
(identified in ST Encyclopedia as being the 'USS Brattain'; model mislabelled)
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Night Terrors'
USS Majestic
Severely damaged; presumed destroyed
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
USS Nautilus
  • D. Stipes
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
USS Reliant
Captain Clark Terrel
Commandeered by Khan Noonian Singh
Destroyed in detonation of Genesis device
USS Saratoga
  • ST Encyclopedia, 'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home'
USS ShirKahr
Destroyed by Cardassian orbital weapons platform
  • D. Stipes
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
USS Sitak
Severely damaged; presumed destroyed
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
USS Tian An Men
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • TNG 'Redemption (II)'
Reported missing near Cardassian border
  • DS9 'In the Cards'
  • D. Stipes
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
<Unnamed Miranda Class>
(visually identified in widescreen format)
<Unnamed Miranda Class>
<Unnamed Miranda Class>
  • DS9 'The Way of the Warrior'
<Unnamed Miranda Class>
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 3+ ]
  • DS9 'Call to Arms'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'A Time to Stand'
<Unnamed Miranda Class>
  • DS9 'Sons and Daughters'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 5 ]
  • DS9 'Behind the Lines'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 7+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1)
  • DS9 'Favor the Bold'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 7+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 2 ]
(part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'You Are Cordially Invited'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 6 ]
  • DS9 'The Magnificent Ferengi'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'The Reckoning'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 4+ ]
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Afterimage'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Treachery, Faith, and the Great River'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Strange Bedfellows'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 2 ]
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 3 ]
  • DS9 'Tacking into the Wind'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 7+ ]
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Miranda Class> [ 2 ]
Severely damaged; presumed destroyed
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Miranda Class>
Part of a 27 ship fleet
  • VOY 'Endgame'

Miranda Class[ Refit I ](ST Encyclopedia)

USS Lantree
  • ST Encyclopedia
Class 6 Supply
Captain L. Isao Telaka
Destroyed by USS Enterprise to prevent spread of DNA virus
  • TNG 'Unnatural Selection'

Miranda Class[ Refit II ](ST Encyclopedia)

USS Saratoga
  • ST Encyclopedia
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • DS9 'Emissary'

Nebula Class

USS Bellerephon
  • Omnipedia
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • DS9 'Emissary'
USS Endeavour
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Redemption (II)'
(Part of the task force in 'Star Trek: First Contact')
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Captain Amisov
  • VOY 'Scorpion'
USS Farragut
  • ST Encyclopedia 2, 'Star Trek: Generations'
Destroyed by Klingon attack near Lembatta Cluster
  • DS9 'Nor the Battle to the Strong'
  • ST Fact Files
USS Hera
  • Omnipedia
Captain Silva La Forge
Missing; presumed lost
  • TNG 'Interface'
USS Honshu
NCC-60205 (?)
Destroyed by Attack Wing of Cardassian destroyers 12 hours from Deep Space Nine
  • DS9 'Waltz'
USS Leeds
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
USS Lexington
  • ST Encyclopedia 2, 'Star Trek: First Contact'
(visually identified this class)
  • DS9 'Explorers'
USS Merrimac
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Sarek'
USS Monitor
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'The Defector'
USS Phoenix
Captain Benjamin Maxwell
  • TNG 'The Wounded'
USS Prometheus
Host to Prof. Gideon Seyetik
  • DS9 'Second Sight'
USS Proxima
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Lost in Gamma Quadrant for years
  • DS9 'In Purgatory's Shadow'
USS Sutherland
  • ST Encyclopedia
Lieutenant Commander Data (temporary)
  • TNG 'Redemption (II)'
(part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'You Are Cordially Invited'
USS T'Kumbra
Captain Solok
Vulcan crew
  • DS9 'Take Me Out to the Holosuite'
USS Ulysses
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Captain Intebi
  • DS9 'The Adversary'
<Unnamed Nebula Class>
Alternate reality ship
  • VOY 'Non Sequitur'
<Unnamed Nebula Class>
Damaged, presumed destroyed by USS Prometheus
  • VOY 'Message in a Bottle'
<Unnamed Nebula Class> [ 2 ]
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'
<Unnamed Nebula Class>
Part of a 27 ship fleet
  • VOY 'Endgame'

Neptune Class(ENT 'Singularity')

Survey ship; none referenced

New Orleans Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Kyushu
  • ST Encyclopedia
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • TNG 'The Best of Both Worlds, Part II'
USS City of New Orleans
Study model
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
USS Renegade
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain Tryla Scott
  • TNG 'Conspiracy'
USS Rutledge
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain Benjamin Maxwell (previous commander)
  • TNG 'The Wounded'
USS Thomas Paine
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain Rixx
  • TNG 'Conspiracy'

Niagara Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Princeton
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • Omnipedia
  • ST Fact Files
USS Wellington
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG '11001001'

Norway Class(ST Encyclopedia 2, D. Stipes)

USS Budapest
  • ST Encyclopedia 2, 'Star Trek: First Contact'
<Unnamed Norway Class> [ 3+ ]

Nova Class

USS Equinox
Captain Rudy Ransom
Science Vessel
  • VOY 'Equinox'
Severely damaged by USS Voyager
  • VOY 'Equinox, Part II'
USS Nova
(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega)
(identified by on-screen visual)
USS Rhode Island
Captain Harry Kim
(alternate future, 26 years hence)
  • VOY 'Endgame'

NX Class

ISS Avenger
Mirror universe
Terran Empire ship
Admiral Black
'Captain' Soval
Destroyed by USS Defiant
  • ENT 'In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II'
Launch date: some 14 months from Apr 2153
  • ENT 'The Expanse'
(name revealed)
  • ENT 'E2'
Captain Erika Hernandez
  • ENT 'Home'
Launch date: approximately one week after 27 Nov 2154
  • ENT 'Affliction'
Captain Jonathan Archer
  • ENT 'Broken Bow'
Launch date: Apr 2151
Sub-Commander T'Pol (temporary)
  • ENT 'Broken Bow'
Identified as NX Class starship
  • ENT 'Fortunate Son'
Sub-Commander T'Pol
  • ENT 'Shockwave'
Captured by Suliban
Abandoned and retaken by Enterprise crew
  • ENT 'Shockwave, Part II'
  • ENT 'The Expanse'
Captain T'Pol (field commission)
'weeks later' after new timeline formation
  • ENT 'Twilight'
Captain Charles Tucker III
Three years after new timeline formation
  • ENT 'Twilight'
Destroyed by subspace implosion of reactor
Twelve years after new timeline formation
  • ENT 'Twilight'
Taken by D'Jamat
Surrendered to Archer
  • ENT 'Chosen Realm'
Taken by Insectoid-Xindi and destroyed by spatial charges (simulation backstory)
  • ENT 'Stratagem'
Acting Captain T'Pol (temporary)
  • ENT 'Hatchery'
Captain T'Pol
Disabled by Xindi
  • ENT 'Azati Prime'
Acting Captain T'Pol
Feb 14 2152
Lost in alternate timeline (circa 1944)
  • ENT 'Zero Hour'
  • ENT 'Storm Front'
Disabled by hijacked Klingon Bird of Prey
Shortly after 17 May 2154
  • ENT 'Borderland'
Disabled by Orion privateer
Shortly after 27 Dec 2154
  • ENT 'Bound'
Decommissioned after ten years of service
  • ENT 'These Are the Voyages...'
Thrown 11.6 ly and 117 years into the past via subspace corridor
Generational ship
Commander Lorian Tripp
Presumed destroyed by Kovaalans or lost in temporal paradox
  • ENT 'E2'
ISS Enterpise
Mirror universe: 13 Jan 2155
Terran Empire ship
Captain Maxwell Forrest
First Officer Jonathan Archer (temporary)
Ship abandoned
Destroyed by Tholian web
  • ENT 'In a Mirror, Darkly'

Oberth Class(TNG Technical Manual)

USS Biko
  • Omnipedia
Supply ship
  • TNG 'A Fistful of Datas'
(identified as Olympic Class)
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
USS Bonestell
Captain Kathryn Janeway
  • VOY:Pathways
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • Omnipedia
  • DS9 'Emissary'
USS Cochrane
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • DS9 'Emissary'
USS Copernicus
  • ST Encyclopedia, 'Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home'
Still in service in 23xx
  • VOY:Pathways
USS Grissom
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain J.T. Esteban
Destroyed by Klingon Bird of Prey over Genesis
USS Oberth
(identified by Enterprise displays)
USS Olympia
Captain Lisa Cusak
Crashed landed on planet in Rutharian Sector (triggered by an active sensor scan of planet some three years and two months ago)
  • DS9 'The Sound of Her Voice'
USS Pegasus
  • ST Encyclopedia
Captain Erik Pressman
Prototype phased-cloaking vessel
Presumed destroyed by warp core breach 12 yrs ago
Later located embedded in Asteroid Gamma 6-0-1 in the Devolin System
  • TNG 'The Pegasus'
USS Raman
  • Omnipedia
Science vessel
  • TNG 'Interface'
USS Tsiolkovsky
  • Omnipedia
Destroyed by exploding star fragment
  • TNG 'The Naked Now'
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
SS Vico
  • ST Encyclopedia
Research vessel; non-Starfleet
Destroyed in Black Cluster
  • TNG 'Hero Worship'
USS Yosemite
  • ST Encyclopedia
Trapped in solar plasma stream
  • TNG 'Realm of Fear'
<Unnamed Oberth Class>
  • TNG 'The Drumhead'
<Unnamed Oberth Class>
  • TNG 'The Game'
<Unnamed Oberth Class>
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • DS9 'Emissary'
<Unnamed Oberth Class>

Olympic Class(Omnipedia)

USS Nobel
  • Omnipedia
  • TNG 'Interface'
USS Pasteur
(identified in finale promo 'Journey's End' as Hope Class)
(identified in finale promo 'Journey's End')
Captain Beverly Picard
Destroyed by warp core breach
  • TNG 'All Good Things...'
  • (25 yrs after Stardate 47988)

Peregrine Class Courier

<Unnamed Peregrine Class>
  • DS9 'The Maquis, Part I'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class>
  • DS9 'The Maquis, Part I'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'The Maquis, Part II'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class>
  • DS9 'Heart of Stone'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class>
Maquis raider
  • DS9 'For the Cause'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class>
Maquis raider
Captain Michael Eddington
  • DS9 'For the Uniform'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class>
Maquis raider
Destroyed by USS Defiant
  • DS9 'For the Uniform'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class> [ 6 ]
  • DS9 'A Time to Stand'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class> [ 16+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1)
  • DS9 'Favor the Bold'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class> [ 15+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; at least four destroyed)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class> [ 7+ ]
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Peregrine Class>
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'

Peregrine Type

Oval-nosed shape used in TNG/VOY
  • L. Nemecek
<Unnamed Peregrine Type> [ 9 ]
  • TNG 'Preemptive Strike'
<Unnamed Peregrine Type>
Ro Laren, pilot
Abandoned; recovered by USS Enterprise
  • TNG 'Preemptive Strike'

Prometheus Class(VOY)

[ Schema ]
USS Prometheus
(Interior console monitors display NX-74913)
Multi-vector assault prototype
Captured by Romulans
Commander Rekar
Recaptured by Federation forces
  • VOY 'Message in a Bottle'
<Unnamed Prometheus Class>
Part of a 27 ship fleet
  • VOY 'Endgame'
<Unnamed Prometheus Class>
Over 400 years in the future
  • ENT 'Azati Prime'

Renaissance Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Aries
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'The Icarus Factor'
(registry visually identified from the shuttle Cousteau)
  • TNG 'Identity Crisis'
(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega)
(identified by on-screen visual)
USS Hokkaido
Last of this class to be constructed
circa 2337
  • TNG Technical Manual
USS Hornet
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • TNG 'Redemption (II)'
USS Maryland
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Lost in Gamma Quadrant for years
  • DS9 'In Purgatory's Shadow'

Rigel Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Akagi
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'Redemption (II)'
(presumed 'Agaki' was mispronounced; part of the 9th Fleet stationed at Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'You Are Cordially Invited'
USS Tolstoy
  • ST Encyclopedia
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • TNG 'The Best of Both Worlds, Part II'

Sabre Class(ST Encyclopedia 2, D. Stipes)

USS Yeager
  • ST Encyclopedia 2, 'Star Trek: First Contact'
<Unnamed Sabre Class> [ 6+ ]
<Unnamed Sabre Class> [ 4+ ]
  • DS9 'Call to Arms'
<Unnamed Sabre Class>
  • DS9 'The Magnificent Ferengi'
<Unnamed Sabre Class>
  • DS9 'Field of Fire'
<Unnamed Sabre Class> [ 4 ]
Part of the Federation Assault Fleet on Chin'Toka III
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'

Sequoia Class(Omnipedia)

USS Yellowstone
  • Omnipedia

Sovereign Class(Sternbach)

USS Enterprise
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
(presumed same class)
  • VOY 'Pathfinder'

Soyuz Class

USS Bozeman
Captain Morgan Bateson
Appeared from spacetime distortion (yr 2278)
  • TNG 'Cause and Effect'
(Involved in task forces in 'Star Trek: Generations' and 'Star Trek: First Contact')
  • ST Encyclopedia 2

Springfield Class(Omnipedia)

USS Chekov
Destroyed in Borg encounter at Wolf 359
  • Omnipedia
USS Springfield
(identified by Enterprise displays)

Steamrunner Class(ST Encyclopedia 2, D. Stipes)

USS Appalacia
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • VOY:Pathways
USS Hiroshima
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
<Unnamed Steamrunner Class> [ 3+ ]
  • DS9 'Call to Arms'
<Unnamed Steamrunner Class> [ 3+ ]
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
<Unnamed Steamrunner Class>
  • DS9 'The Magnificent Ferengi'
<Unnamed Steamrunner Class>
  • DS9 'Field of Fire'
<Unnamed Steamrunner Class> [ 2+ ]
  • DS9 'What You Leave Behind'
<Unnamed Steamrunner Class>
  • VOY 'Relativity'

Surak Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Zapata
  • ST Encyclopedia

Sydney Class

USS Jenolan
Transport ship
Reported missing 75 yrs ago (this yr 2364)
(ST Encyclopedia identifies this yr as 2369)
Destroyed by USS Enterprise in Dyson sphere escape
  • TNG 'Relics'
<Unnamed Sydney Class>
Transport ship
  • ST Encyclopedia
Call sign: SD103
<Unnamed Sydney Class>
  • DS9 'Playing God'
<Unnamed Sydney Class>
  • DS9 'Accession'
<Unnamed Sydney Class>
  • DS9 'Trials and Tribble-ations'
<Unnamed Sydney Class>
  • DS9 'Chrysalis'

Wambundu Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Drake
  • ST Encyclopedia
Light Cruiser
Captain Paul Rice
Destroyed by automated defence system on Minos
  • TNG 'The Arsenal of Freedom'
USS Fleming
  • Omnipedia
Medical transport
Abandoned in Hekaras Corridor; presumed destroyed
  • TNG 'Force of Nature'

Whorfin Class(L. Nemecek)

SS Lakul
El-Aurian refugee transport ship
Destroyed by energy ribbon
  • L. Nemecek
SS Robert Fox
El-Aurian refugee transport ship
Destroyed by energy ribbon
  • L. Nemecek
USS Whorfin
(identified by Enterprise displays)

Y Class

larger than J Class
ECS Fortunate
ECS 2801
(visually identified on set signage)
Captain Keene
First Officer Matthew Ryan (temporary)
  • ENT 'Fortunate Son'

Yeager Class(Sternbach, ST:DS9 TM)

<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Dr. Bashir, I Presume'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'A Simple Investigation'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Blaze of Glory'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'In the Cards'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Honor Among Thieves'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Change of Heart'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'The Reckoning'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Profit and Lace'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'The Sound of Her Voice'
<Unnamed Yeager Class> [ 2+ ]
  • DS9 'Tears of the Prophets'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Chrysalis'
<Unnamed Yeager Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'It's Only a Paper Moon'
<Unnamed Yeager Class> [ 2 ]
  • DS9 'Prodigal Daughter'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Field of Fire'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Chimera'
<Unnamed Yeager Class>
  • DS9 'Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang'

Yellowstone Class Runabout

identical in appearance to Danube Class Runabout
USS Yellowstone
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
Alternate reality prototype
Tetryon-plasma warp nacelles
Destroyed in warp core breach
  • VOY 'Non Sequitur'

Yorkshire Class(ST Encyclopedia)

USS Denver
  • ST Encyclopedia
Transport ship
Struck gravitic mine; presumed abandoned
  • TNG 'Ethics'

Zodiac Class(Omnipedia)

USS Yorktown
  • Omnipedia
  • TNG 'All Good Things...'
  • (25 yrs after Stardate 47988)


  • TOS 'The Galileo Seven'
  • TOS 'The Galileo Seven'
Destroyed over Taurus II
  • TOS 'The Galileo Seven'
Galileo II
  • TOS 'The Way to Eden'
<Unnamed Shuttle>
Stolen from Starbase 4
  • TOS 'Let That Be Your Last Battlefield'
<Unnamed Shuttle>
Zephram Cochrane
  • TOS 'Metamorphosis'
<Unnamed Shuttle>
  • TOS 'The Menagerie'
<Unnamed Shuttle> [ 4 ]
Abandoned in shuttlebay of USS Exeter
  • TOS 'The Omega Glory'


Damaged and abandoned on 'Sha-Ka-Ree'

Shuttles(TNG Technical Manual)

visual identification required
<Unnamed shuttle>
Crash landed and abandoned on moon of Mab-Bu VI
  • TNG 'Power Play'
<Unnamed shuttle>
  • TNG 'The Next Phase'
<Unnamed shuttle>
  • TNG 'The Next Phase'
<Unnamed shuttle>
  • TNG 'True Q'

Class 2 Shuttle(VOY)

<Unnamed Class 2 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Night'
<Unnamed Class 2 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Drone'
<Unnamed Class 2 Shuttle>
Holographic; assimilated by the Borg in holographic training; presumed actually lost during mission excecution
(visually identified as identical to Type 9 shuttle)
  • VOY 'Dark Frontier'

Type 6 Shuttle(TNG Technical Manual)

'Stolen' by Cardassian agent
  • TNG 'Lower Decks'
  • TNG 'True Q'
  • TNG 'Chain of Command, Part I'
  • TNG 'All Good Things...'
L. Nemecek
Given to Captain Montgommery Scott
  • TNG 'Relics'
Extended body
  • ST Encyclopedia 2, 'Star Trek: Generations'
  • TNG 'Suspicions'
Destroyed in Null Space pocket
  • TNG 'The Outcast'
Crash landed
Destroyed by warp core breach (false memory)
  • VOY 'Coda'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
  • TNG 'Genesis'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
Stolen by Kes
  • VOY 'Warlord'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Macrocosm'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Fair Trade'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
Crash landed
  • VOY 'Rise'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
Stolen from USS Voyager by Seven of Nine
Presumed abandoned on moon in Delta Quadrant
  • VOY 'The Raven'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Mortal Coil'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
Shuttle from USS Honshu
Stolen by Gul Dukat
  • DS9 'Waltz'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
Presumed abandoned
  • VOY 'Demon'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Hope and Fear'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
Crash landed on Class D world
Destroyed by solar system collapse
  • VOY 'Gravity'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle> [ 2+ ]
  • DS9 'The Changing Face of Evil'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle> [ 2 ]
  • VOY 'Inside Man'
<Unnamed Type 6 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Author, Author'

Type 7 Shuttle(TNG Technical Manual)

(name visually identified on model in TNG Season 4 DVD)
Shuttle from USS Repulse
  • TNG 'The Child'
  • TNG 'The Host'
  • TNG 'Unnatural Selection'
<Unnamed Type 7 Shuttle>
  • TNG 'The Nth Degree'
<Unnamed Type 7 Shuttle>
  • TNG 'Coming of Age'
<Unnamed Type 7 Shuttle>
Crashed on Vegra II
  • TNG 'Skin of Evil'
<Unnamed Type 7 Shuttle>
  • TNG 'Q Who'
<Unnamed Type 7 Shuttle>
Destroyed in Tiarchanon atmosphere
  • TNG 'Identity Crisis'
<Unnamed Type 7 Shuttle>
  • TNG 'The Best of Both Worlds, Part II'

Type 8 Shuttle(Omnipedia)

Destroyed in hull breach in time stream
  • VOY 'Non Sequitur'
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
<Unnamed Type 8 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Caretaker'
<Unnamed Type 8 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Parallax'
<Unnamed Type 8 Shuttle>
Destroyed by Kazon warship under Jal Razik
  • VOY 'Initiations'
<Unnamed Type 8 Shuttle>
Crash landed on planet 'Hell'
  • VOY 'Parturition'
<Unnamed Type 8 Shuttle>
Captured by Kazon Raider
  • VOY 'Maneuvers'
<Unnamed Type 8 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Prototype'
<Unnamed Type 8 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Innocence'

Type 9 Shuttle(ST Encyclopedia 2, VOY, Sternbach)

Experimental Transwarp Design
Lt. Tom Paris, Pilot
  • VOY 'Threshold'
Caatati antimatter pulse caused hull breach; destroyed
  • VOY 'Day of Honor'
Lt. Barklay
  • VOY 'Life Line'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Introduction of this class
  • VOY 'Resolutions'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'The Swarm'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Crash landed on Earth, 30km north east of Phoenix, Arizona
USA (1996)
  • VOY 'Future's End, Part II'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Crash landed; cannibalized
  • VOY 'Unity'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Unity'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
(The Year of Hell; some six years ahead in a possible future)
  • VOY 'Before and After'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Lt. Tom Paris, Pilot
Holonovel vessel
Destroyed by USS Voyager
  • VOY 'Worst Case Scenario'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Presumed destroyed by the evolution of Kes
  • VOY 'The Gift'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Revulsion'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'The Raven'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Hunters'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Coaxial warp drive prototype
Stolen by 'Steth' and later recovered
  • VOY 'Vis A Vis'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle> [ 2 ]
Modified with Devore refractive shielding
Given to Brenari refugees
Taken through transient wormhole
  • VOY 'Counterpoint'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Events occured 18 months ago, Stardate 50979
  • VOY 'Latent Image'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
'Stolen' by Ensign Harry Kim
  • VOY 'Disease'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Jupiter Station
  • VOY 'Life Line'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
Crash landed on Ventu homeworld
Largest remnant destroyed by the Delta Flyer
  • VOY 'Natural Law'
<Unnamed Type 9 Shuttle>
  • VOY 'Renaissance Man'

Type 10 Shuttle(ST:DS9 TM)

Shuttle from USS Defiant
  • DS9 'The Sound of Her Voice'

Type 15 Shuttle(TNG Technical Manual)

Shuttle from USS Aries
  • TNG 'Identity Crisis'
  • TNG 'Time Squared'
  • TNG 'The Ensigns of Command'
  • TNG 'The Mind's Eye'
  • TNG 'The Most Toys'
Shuttle from Communication Relay Station 47
  • TNG 'Aquiel'
  • ST Encyclopedia
Destroyed in Mar Oscura nebula
  • TNG 'In Theory'
<Unnamed Type 15 Shuttlepod>
  • TNG 'The Price'

Type 18 Shuttle(ST Encyclopedia 2, ST:DS9 TM)

Shuttle from USS Defiant
  • DS9 'The Search, Part I'
Shuttle from USS Defiant
  • DS9 'Destiny'

Delta Flyer(VOY)

Delta Flyer
Introduction of this class
  • VOY 'Extreme Risk'
Crash landed and buried
Recovered 'through fifty kilotonnes of benamite'
  • VOY 'Once Upon a Time'
Stolen by Chakotay, Kim, and Omond (alternate timeline, 15 years hence)
Destroyed by warp core breach (alternate timeline, 15 years hence)
  • VOY 'Timeless'
Recovered after disabled by deep-ocean 'electric eel'
Salvaged after disabled by USS Voyager torpedo explosion
  • VOY 'Thirty Days'
Captured and presumed recovered from Borg Cube
  • VOY 'Collective'
Stolen by 'Janeway', aka Dala and later recovered
  • VOY 'Live Fast and Prosper'
Hit by spatial eddies and crash landed; presumed recovered
  • VOY 'Muse'
Destroyed by Borg Class 4 Tactical Vessel
  • VOY 'Unimatrix Zero'
(name visually identified on hull this episode)
  • VOY 'Drive'
Captured by the Lokiram; presumed recovered
  • VOY 'Body and Soul'

Other Shuttles

Spacedock Shuttle(Omnipedia)

Spacedock Shuttle
Shuttle from USS Billings
Damaged from magma eruption
  • VOY 'Night'


Pod 1
Part of Enterprise complement
  • ENT 'Broken Bow'
Crash landed on moon
Presumed recovered by Arkonian patrol ship
  • ENT 'Dawn'
Stolen by Silik
Damaged by Enterprise
Crash landed on Earth in Eastern USA (circa 1944)
Destroyed by Enterprise crew
  • ENT 'Storm Front'
Pod 2
Part of Enterprise complement
  • ENT 'Broken Bow'
<Unnamed pod>
Admiral Forrest
  • ENT 'Regeneration'


Orbital 6
Part of spacedock complement
  • ENT 'Broken Bow'
<Unnamed> [ 6 ]
Part of spacedock complement
  • ENT 'Broken Bow'
<Unnamed> [ 5 ]
Part of spacedock complement
  • ENT 'The Expanse'

Travel Pods

Travel Pod
Travel Pod
Travel Pod

Work Bees(ST:DS9 TM)

[ Cargo ]
<Unnamed workbee> [ 2 ]
<Unnamed workbee> [ 2 ]
<Unnamed workbee> [ 9+ ]
Approximately two years prior to Stardate 49123
  • VOY 'Relativity'

Warp Sled Shuttle

[ Warp Sled ]
Warp sled shuttle
Warp sled type
Docking shuttle

Unknown Shuttlecraft

Cadet Data
  • VOY:Mosaic
<Unnamed shuttles> [ 2+ ]
  • VOY:Mosaic
<Unnamed shuttle>
Attached to USS Icarus
Destroyed by Galor-class ship
  • VOY:Mosaic
Assigned to Liberty
Tom Paris
  • VOY:Pathways
  • VOY:Pathways
Cadet Tom Paris
  • VOY:Pathways
<Unnamed shuttle>
'Salvaged' from a Federation ship graveyard
  • VOY:Pathways
<Unnamed shuttle>
Lt. Pierson
Assigned to USS Copernicus
  • VOY:Pathways
<Unnamed shuttle> [ 4 ]
Cadets Brunolf Katajavuori, Odile Launay, Charlie Day, and Tom Paris
Three destroyed on an asteroid
  • VOY:Pathways
<Unnamed shuttle>
  • VOY 'Basics, Part I'
<Unnamed shuttle>
Destroyed by Vori attack
  • VOY 'Nemesis'
<Unnamed shuttle>
(runabout-like design from USS Enterprise)
<Unnamed shuttle>
Shuttle 'stolen' by Seven of Nine from USS Voyager
  • VOY 'Think Tank'
<Unnamed shuttle>
Tom Paris (first flight)
  • VOY 'Alice'
<Unnamed shuttle>
Possible Work Bee attached to Enterprise
  • ENT 'Shuttlepod One'
<Unnamed shuttle> [ 2 ]
Design circa Apr 2151
  • ENT 'Shockwave'

Other Class/Type

USS Aeon
29th century Federation time ship
(from 500 years in the future)
Captain Braxton
Crashed on Earth, High Sierras in an alternate timeline (1967)
  • VOY 'Future's End'
Variable wing shuttle from USS Enterprise
SS Artemis
Colony ship
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'The Ensigns of Command'
SS Buckaroo Banzai
BBI-993 class
Captain John Whorfin
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
SS Columbia
Survey Vessel
Crashed on Talos IV
  • TOS 'The Cage'
USS Columbia
(verbal indentification in radio chatter)
Captain's Yacht from USS Enterprise
Disabled by Son'a Command ship
Presumed recovered
L. Nemecek
USS Discovery
  • TOS 'The Squire of Gothos'
DEV Eagle Valley
DY-950 class
Captain Dan King
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
USS Entente
(verbal identification in radio chatter)
SS Enterprise
(visual identification in 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture')
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
SS Hatteras
DY-245 class
Captain Gary Loes
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
Kobayashi Maru
Class III Neutronic Fuel Carrier
Registration: Amber, Tau Ceti IV
Captain Kojiro Vance
SS Milan
Transport ship
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TNG 'New Ground'
NX Alpha
Warp 3 prototype
Commander A.G. Robinson
Destroyed near Jupiter due to warp field collapse
  • ENT 'First Flight'
NX Beta
Warp 3 prototype
Stolen by Commanders Archer, Robinson
Sustained Warp 2.5
  • ENT 'First Flight'
NX Delta
Warp 3 prototype
Commander Duvall
Broke Warp 3
  • ENT 'First Flight'
HMS New Zealand
DY-732(n) class
Captain Bob Lederman
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
HMS New Zealand
DY-732(n) class
Captain Bob Lederman
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
North Star
Presumed destroyed sometime in the past
  • ENT 'Fortunate Son'
SS Odin
  • ST Encyclopedia
Disabled and abandoned by crew
  • TNG 'Angel One'
SS Raven
Research vessel
Partially assimilated by the Borg
Crash landed on moon in Delta Quadrant
Destroyed by B'Omar orbital bombardment
  • VOY 'The Raven'
Captain Magnus Hansen
Damaged by subspace particle storm
Named USS Raven in Federation records aboard USS Voyager
  • VOY 'Dark Frontier'
USS Relativity
Federation Time Ship
Captain Braxton
Command taken by Lieutenant Ducane
Events occur almost 500 years in the 'future'
  • VOY 'Relativity'
Welles Class Timeship
  • Okuda (?)
USS Republic
50 year old cadet training ship
  • DS9 'Valiant'
USS Revere
(verbal identification in radio chatter)
USS Strata
Captain Jason Stone
Geo-Terraforming vessel
(identified by computer screen display; information is several decades out of date)
  • DS9 'Field of Fire'
Cargo ship
Destroyed by Romulan Drone(s)
  • ENT 'The Aenar'
SS Urutsei Yatsura
DY-430 class
Captain David Glink
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
VK Velikan
DY-1200 class
Captain Gene Roddenberry
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
VK Yuri Gagarin
DY-732 class
Captain Winrich Kolbe
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
SS Valiant
Survey Vessel
Self-destruction by order of captain
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'Where No Man Has Gone Before'
Class J Cargo
Destroyed in asteroid field
  • TOS 'Mudd's Women'
<Unnamed> [ 3 ]
Unmanned pods
  • ST Encyclopedia
Destroyed outside Mars Defence Perimeter
  • TNG 'The Best of Both Worlds, Part II'
<Unnamed> [ 5 ]
Nova Squadron
Precision Flying Craft
Destroyed in attempt of Kolvoord Starburst
  • TNG 'The First Duty'
  • DS9 'It's Only a Paper Moon'
  • DS9 'Til Death Do Us Part'
Mining or Ore transport (presumed)
  • VOY 'Author, Author'
Alternate future, 26 years hence
Possible Type 9 variant with heavy modifications
Captured by the Borg in 'present' timeline
  • VOY 'Endgame'
Cloakable Holodeck Ship
L. Nemecek
Stolen by Data
<Unnamed> spacedock shuttle[ ? ]
Long body shuttle
<Unnamed> spacedock shuttle[ ? ]
Sled shuttle
<Unnamed transport>
Arctic sled transport
A-6 Excavation Team
Captain Drake
Heavily modified by Borg
Destroyed by Enterprise
  • ENT 'Regeneration'

Unknown Class/Type

USS Ahwahnee
(identified by Enterprise displays)
USS Archer
(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega)
(identified by on-screen visual)
USS Aurora
Destroyed by dissenters
  • TOS 'The Way to Eden'
SS Beagle
Captain R.M. Merik
Intentionally destroyed on planet 892 IV
  • TOS 'Bread and Circuses'
USS Billings
Commander Janeway
  • VOY 'Night'
SS Birdseye
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
  • TNG 'The Neutral Zone'
USS Carolina
Captain Peterson
  • VOY 'Inside Man'
USS Centaur
  • L. Nemecek
Captain Charlie Reynolds
  • DS9 'A Time to Stand'
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
USS Constellation
  • DS9 'Waltz'
USS Cortez
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1)
(one of 11 ships which fell back for repairs)
  • DS9 'Favor the Bold'
Captain Quenten Swafert
Destroyed by Jem'Hadar
  • DS9 'Far Beyond the Stars'
SS Dierdre
  • ST Encyclopedia
  • TOS 'Friday's Child'
USS Destiny
  • DS9 'Shadows and Symbols'
Captain Reymour
  • DS9 'Afterimage'
USS Emden
(identified by Enterprise displays)
Over 400 year in the future
Part of battle at Procyon V
  • ENT 'Azati Prime'
USS Galice
  • DS9 'Whispers'
USS Grissom
Destroyed by Jem'Hadar in the Battle of Rikter Prime; six survivors out of 1250
  • DS9 'Field of Fire'
USS Helin
(identified by Enterprise displays)
USS Hispaniola
  • DS9 'Whispers'
USS Icarus
Admiral Owen Paris
  • VOY:Mosaic
Captain Ramirez
  • ENT 'The Expanse'
Captain Malcom Reed
Twelve years after new timeline formation
  • ENT 'Twilight'
USS John Muir
(identified by Enterprise displays)
USS Mayflower
(identified by shipping label signage)
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
USS Musashi
  • DS9 'Treachery, Faith, and the Great River'
USS Philadelphia
(identified by console display)
  • TNG 'Eye of the Beholder'
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
USS Pueblo
(identified by console display)
  • TNG 'Eye of the Beholder'
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
Captain Jennings
  • ENT 'Affliction'
  • ENT 'Daedalus'
Captain Brody
(three years ago)
  • ENT 'The Forgotten'
USS Sarek
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine; outnumbered 2:1)
  • DS9 'Favor the Bold'
USS Scovil
(identified by Enterprise displays)
SS Seattle
Captain Wendy Neuss
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
USS Seaview
(identified by console display)
  • TNG 'Eye of the Beholder'
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
USS Sentinel
  • DS9 'Treachery, Faith, and the Great River'
Captain Duval (newly assigned)
  • ENT 'Silent Enemy'
USS Shepard
  • ST Encyclopedia 2
USS Shika Maru
Captain Sylvester
  • TNG 'Darmok'
USS Silversides
(identified by console display)
  • TNG 'Eye of the Beholder'
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
USS Syracuse
(identified by console display)
  • TNG 'Eye of the Beholder'
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
USS Terra Nova
Starfleet prototype vessel
Crashed in Tau Ceti system
  • VOY:Mosaic
USS Ticonderoga
(referenced as being in 'Star Trek: Insurrection')
  • ST Encyclopedia 3
USS Titan
Captain Riker
USS Tombaugh
Captain Blackwood
Assimilated by the Borg 13 years ago
  • VOY 'Infinite Regress'
SS Tomobiki
RT-2203 class
Captain Peter Lauritson
(identified by on-screen displays)
  • TNG 'Up the Long Ladder'
USS Truman
(Has not been near Deep Space Nine in months)
  • DS9 'Field of Fire'
USS Valiant
  • Omnipedia
Missing in space some 50 yrs ago (relative to 2267) after first contact with Eminiar VII
  • TOS 'A Taste of Armageddon'
USS Valiant
(part of Star Fleet Battle Group Omega)
(identified by on-screen visual)
USS Veracruz
  • DS9 'The Siege of AR-558'
USS Vico
Captain Roger Hackney
  • VOY:Pathways
USS Yorktown
  • VOY 'Flashback'
(identified by wall status display)
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
(identified by wall status display)
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
(identified by wall status display)
  • TOS 'Court Martial'
Captain Hiromi Sulu (grandson of Hikaru Sulu)
  • VOY:Pathways
<Unnamed> [ 2 ]
  • TNG '11001001'
Class IX Probe
Modified with life support systems to carry Ambassador K'Ehyler
  • TNG 'The Emissary'
  • DS9 'A Time to Stand'
<Unnamed> [ 112 ]
Seventh Fleet
98 ships destroyed
  • DS9 'A Time to Stand'
(possibly USS Centaur class)
  • DS9 'Behind the Lines'
Captain Diego
(part of the Federation force to retake Deep Space Nine)
  • DS9 'Sacrifice of Angels'
<Unnamed> [ 18 ]
Part of a 27 ship fleet
  • VOY 'Endgame'
<Unnamed> [ 2 ]
  • ENT 'The Expanse'
<Unnamed> Intrepid Type [ 2+ ]
Part of Earth reception fleet [ 'dozens' ]
  • ENT 'Storm Front, Part II'
<Unnamed> Pre-NX Type [ 2+ ]
Part of Earth reception fleet [ 'dozens' ]
  • ENT 'Storm Front, Part II'
Luxury Yacht or Transport
  • ENT 'Home'
<Unnamed> [ 12 ]
Mirror universe
Federation Empire ship
Lost in battle at Tau Ceti
  • ENT 'In a Mirror, Darkly'
<Unnamed> Intrepid Type
Presumed: nacelle observed as part of wreckage
  • ENT 'In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II'
Captain Stillwell
Presumed active Starfleet vessel
  • ENT 'These Are the Voyages...'

Star Trek Manuals Pdf

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Star Trek Mirror Ships Pdf


Star Trek Technical Manuals are a number of both official and fan-produced works detailing the technology of the fictional Star Trek universe; most pertain to starship design, though others target equipment used in the various Star Trek television series and films. Franz Joseph Schnaubelt published the original Star Fleet Technical Manual in 1975; since then other manuals have been created by fans and professional artists alike to chronicle the increasing variety of both canon and noncanon vesse.

  1. Beyond the Final Frontier - The Unofficial Star Trek® Roleplaying Game Webzine is a not for profit electronic publication created by and for players of the Star Trek® Role Playing Game™ published by Decipher, Inc. Star Trek® and all other associate copyrighted materials, indicia, and trademarks are ©, ™ and ® Paramount Pictures, inc.
  2. Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection is a British partwork magazine that is published by Eaglemoss Collections under its Hero Collector imprint. Authorized and licensed by CBS Consumer Products, it is available in a number of countries worldwide.