Arduino Serial Read Byte
This is how fast the connection can read and write bits on the wire. (Needless to say, your broadband connection can transfer data a lot faster than an Arduino!) OK so Serial.begin sets up the Arduino with the transfer rate we want, in this case 9600 bits per second. Lets move on to the next line. I am trying to read a serial string which comes through as 'R0123' for example then I need the 0123 to be in an int. To send out through another method Here is my code it is not working the way th.
I am using a Arduino Uno. I am experiencing weird behavior with Serial.readbytes(); The arduino is powered and communicating via USB on COM4, I am running eclipse on 64bit win7.
My currently Arduino code looks like this, the delays are so I can start and stop my java service and look at the serial window in the Arduino IDE, in is a char array; Code:
Arduino Serial Read One Byte
Here is the relevant code for my java side. I modified it from, Code:
Arduino Serial. Read Bytes Until Example
When I run it my arduino just prints out a blank line. If I prep the arduino with 'hiya' using the Serial window first, the when the java is executed it will return back to a blank line. Since the char array is just over-written each time I sent 'H567rn' and then in the Serial window typed sent 'hiya' where the extra newline was still being executed so I know characters are being stored somehow. Another test was to change the last Serial.prinln() to 'Serial.println(in[0], DEC)'. Using the Serial Window results happen as expected, but from java it just prints out '0' Serial communication works wonderful coming from the arduino talking to the java, just not from java to the arduino. Any insight would be wonderful!
Arduino Serial Read Two Bytes
/Edit, per suggestion I tried reading Serial.available() instead of a fixed max of 10, No changes were experienced.